" Sebuah Catatan Kehidupan: Contoh artikel SMA - Nikah Muda



Contoh artikel SMA - Nikah Muda


            Young marriage can be describe as a time when a young couple a commitment to decide their live to make a new house hold and a new living by making one decision in a formal institute of religion ( KUA ).
            The young marriage has many kind of positive things and also the negative things. 
The negative things in the young marriage are such as :
-          The still have a problem about their age, because they are still young and perhaps can not think good as well as the adult age.
-          They are actually still in the unstabilism personality. Their teenage has to end at the time when they have decision to make a marriage.
-          Their parents are trully have to make more quidances to them, especially about the knowledge to understand how is the complexity in their new lives.
-          It is possible that they can loss their teenage, so they handle the problems, like a child.
Beside that, the positive things are :
-          They have a lot of time to face and run their new live.
-          They have much time to keep after their children longer than when they marry in the old time.
-          When they are in approximately age of fifety years old. Their son or their daughter are in the adult time. In forecast that they  marry  in the old of twenty.
-          Their son and daughter have much time to live with their parents.
Their marriage is like a sacrifation of live to manage their live by themselves.

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