Contoh Pidato dan Makalah dalam Bahasa Inggris

Indonesia is a state with many natural resources from east cape to west cape. Natural resources property of Indonesia is very much to start from cost mineral, included natural oil, natural fuel, gold, silver, platinum, copper, nickel, sulphur, mangaan, lead, iron,bauxite, and coal. Forests are other sources and supplies much hardwood tree, blackwood ( ebonite ), sandalwood, quiniene
( useful for cure malaria ). Bamboo and rattan are useful to make plait chair and various other furnitures. The ground is very fertile like heaven, so group band Koes Plus said, “ Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tongkat kayu dan batu jadi tanaman “ in his song.
Beside rich of many natural resources, Indonesia is called, “ Emerald string in equator “ by Multatuli. Indonesia also constitute an archipelago state. Indonesia consists of more than 17.000 big islands and small islands. More than 6000 islands are occupied.
Republic of Indonesia is the biggest state in South East Asia with biggest occupants number 4 in the world ( 199.700.000 soul forecast of BPS in 1994 ). This occupants spread in various island in Indonesia.
However, all along history of Indonesia, Java island is always the most important among the other island. In the moment almost 2/3 occupants of Indonesia, that are more than 100 million people occupy Java island who are wide less than 1/10 all wide of state.
Because amount of occupants who are very much, not wrong if in Indonesia found more than 300 generation group who are different. From island to island, various different languages are spoken and different customs are obeyed.
Customs who are very thick and sticky to people of Indonesia make them constant to perpetuate cultures of forefather and traditional art who are different from every region is characteristic anf soul of Indonesia.
Culturs of forefathers and traditional art who are different from every region is offered. One of them is batik. The patern of Batik is various which written to above of fabric with cover part of fabric which is not painted with wax ( malam ).
Cultures which are very interesting to learn is puppet. Puppet is a part important culture of Indonesia since kingdom Hindu-Budha period.
This performance is played with doll from cow rawhide which makes shadow above sceen is lighted with blencong lamp. Performance of puppet is done by a mastermind with accompanied by a set of gamelan,  an orchestra who play by niyogo ( gamelan
crew ).
People of Indonesia perpetuate various traditional dance too. Beside dance which is famous until foreign countries like America, Europe, and Australia that is Legong or Janger dance from Dewta island, famous too various another dance like Seudati from Aceh, Piring dance from West Sumatra, and Pendet dance from Bali island and many more cultures of Indonesia.
However, the ought to be pity cultures of Indonesia which is so much is claimed by our neigbour state, Malaysia. Claim according “ Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia “ is demanded confession above a certain fact that someone has right ( possess or have ) above something.
From song “ Rasa Sayange “ which is claimed and commute the titte become  “ Rasa Sayang ” and then Reog Ponorogo is commuted the dance name become “ Barongan Dance “. It is dance and song, not yet islands which will be claimed by Malaysia like Sipadan and Ligitan islands that finally free from Indonesia. In fact, Jemur island will be claimed by Malaysia too.
After that Rendang which according to news will be claimed property of Malaysia too, and many more claims of Malaysia to Indonesia like Agklung, Batik, etc. In fact, in every university in Malaysia must be gamelan lesson. Until when, our cultures will be claimed continuously ?.
Of course  we sultry with claims that done by Malaysia. Then appear a question. What can we do as students who will become the expectation of nation ?.
As students, we can participate to perpetuate the cultures of Indonesia with method constant to achievement and study in order to later when we became adult, we can introduce the cultures of Indonesia with better.
We can do from the small things like throw rubbish in the suitable place, because with do that, we will create a culture to throw rubbish in suitable place which reflect our behaviour as student.
Then as nation that respect  the eastern customs and cultures which identify us with polite behaviour. We can start with not visible of our genitals that not proper seen. So as students we must try to get dressed the few respectation.
But see the side of  people themselves. The government must handle this problem. The government has to patent the Indonesian cultures and activate the culture activities and also don,t make a protest after being claimed. After that, the government can launch the website about Indonesian cultures.
And then the Indonesian government shold finish the complex cases of the Indonesian workers in foreign states ( TKI ) that not end yet until now. Do you accept if Indonesian workers in foreign state who leave Indonesia to move to foreign state with hope ?. They should get much money for their family but when they returned already to phase welt up, deformity, get iron, and in fact, a few of them return to home in the condition without soul.
This matters must be investigated clearly in order the foreign state not underestimate our state.
Beside that, another cases which needed to pay attention is the corruption.The officials who did the corruption must be  punished, because they are as the same as eating the populace money that not their authority. It damages our state, and this problem can appear cultures corruption if not be handled seriously.

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